Durwood Hargis                                                       Print Page      



Leading our band is Durwood Hargis from Clayton, NC.  He writes many of the songs Legacy sings and has a wonderful testimony to share.  His love for the Lord is evident in all of the songs he writes, with a foundation for many of the songs being God’s amazing grace, love and forgiveness.  On a personal note, Durwood has been playing and singing gospel music for 25 years and has graced the stage with several groups, including “Damascus Way”, “Heartsong” and “Southern Cross”.  Durwood’s favorite Bible verses are John 3:16 and Romans 8:1.  Durwood states his favorite singers are Kenny Hinson and Rusty Goodman.  Favorite songs of Durwood are a couple of powerful songs that he wrote, “He Carries Me” and “The Ocean Refuses No River”