'On The Road With Legacy' - Quarter 1          Print Legacy Newsletter      
Legacy is often asked why we travel the miles that we do and put up with many of the various “trials” which come with traveling with a gospel group.  The answer is actually threefold.  First and most important, we love the Lord and what He has done for each of us.  I don’t deserve Heaven.  None of us do, but Jesus loved me enough to take my punishment on an old rugged cross so that I could live forever.  His resurrection is proof that I can depend on His saving power to keep me safe in His arms until I see Him face to face.  I am thankful for what He did, I love Him, and I want to serve Him in whatever way He asks me to do, and in our case it is singing His praises and uplifting His name. 

Second, whatever “trials” we endure on the road is nothing compared to the trials that Jesus faced.  In the context of eternity, it is worth whatever the cost just to see one person brought closer to the Lord or to help lead them in a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

Finally, everyone reading this newsletter that is a Christian, has the exact same opportunity that Legacy does.  You can be a witness right where you are, wherever that may be.  One area that I believe society is most starved for is for someone to show them love.  One trick of Satan is to get Christians so busy and preoccupied, that we stay in a constant hurry and are sometime neglectful or unintentionally short with those we love the most.  If we try to exhibit the fruits of the spirit (love, patience, etc etc), in our own power, we will end up frustrated and fail and wonder why we stay defeated as Christians.  If we however, “seek first the kingdom of God”, stay focused on our prayer life, set aside a set time each morning or evening for Bible study and stay involved in a local church if possible, we will notice our attitude improve and love for others gradually increase.  Stay focused on Jesus, and “all these things shall be added unto you”.  I am preaching as much to me as anyone right now and I’d like to offer a personal reflection.  I have made a concerted effort to stay more focused in Bible study, staying in God’s word more (more than a verse or two each night), praying more and the most amazing thing transpires.  I find that very slowly, my patience increases, my love for others increases, and I am more tolerant and understanding.  This gets back to what we all need to do as Christians, to show more love, compassion and be that shining light to a lost and dying world. 

We are often the only “church” non-Christians will ever see.  That is an awesome responsibility.  Why not join me in making a sincere commitment to reading the Bible more and staying focused and grounded in whatever lifts up the name of Jesus.  If you like to read, in addition to the Bible, find some good authors like Max Lucado, Charles Stanley, Billy Graham, David Jeremiah, Anne Graham Lotz, and I could go on and on.  If you prefer listening or visual presentations, some good Gaither videos and sermons/Bible on cassette are great.  If you love music some great gospel music will certainly lift you up and keep you focused on the Lord.  These combined with daily Bible reading/study, combined with a daily attitude of prayer and reflection, combined with church attendance, will really propel you to a greater understanding of the love of our Lord and you will also notice greater peace, joy, contentment and eternal assurance. 

Looking ahead, Legacy would like to extend an invitation for everyone to join us in our annual night with Dollywood’s own Kingdom Heirs, which will be on Friday, February 9, 2007 at Pikeville PFWB church.  The church is located on Nahunta Road in Pikeville and the concert starts at 7:00pm.  There will be no admission charged, with a love offering being taken.  We look forward to seeing all of our friends we have met over the years during 2007 and look forward to making many new ones!! 

In Christian Love, 

Tim Perry for Legacy

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