September 2002                                                              Print Legacy Newsletter      

Healing.  That one simple word brings comfort and peace to the lives of Christians every day.  Through prior articles over the past year, I have relayed how God has worked miracles in the lives of several of Legacy’s members, through physical healing.  Testimonies of healing, both from cancer and heart problems, abound throughout Legacy.  When healing comes and miracles are evident, we readily give praise and adoration to the Lord.  What sometimes occurs, and can trouble Christians, is when prayers are offered for healing, and God decides to answer in ways, which can sometimes cause our faith to waver.  As we are only human, it is easy to question God when we seemingly don’t get that miracle we have been praying for and our prayers do not seem to have been answered.

 Sometimes God seems to forsake us in not bringing the healing we want to see for our loved ones.  Naturally, we desire our loved ones to be with us for as long as possible.  What is hard to see, is that God looks at things from an eternal perspective and knows the ramifications of allowing certain things to occur, which can be a blessing for other people and bring yet more people into the fold.  I think about the tragedy of the World Trade Center and how many lives were lost, which God allowed.  However, through that tragedy, we are all aware of how much good came out of that event in bringing people closer to the Lord and helping many to realize just how short life can be and how it can so quickly be extinguished.  I think about my precious aunt who died at a young age of ovarian cancer.  She certainly did not deserve the pain that she endured.  Through her sickness however, I heard and saw countless examples of where many hospital workers, neighbors, etc were blessed and brought closer to the Lord through the witness she gave during her sickness.  Finally, when we ask for healing, from God’s perspective, the only TRUE healing comes when we enter into His presence and are finally free from any connection with sin.  The Bible states that to be absent from the body is to be present with Him and when our Christian loved one makes that final journey, they are immediately ushered into the presence of someone who has been lovingly waiting for them for all of eternity.

 I’d like to close with a wonderful event, which although very sad, was allowed by God to transpire, I believe, to give a special select few a glimpse of what awaits us as we enter heaven.  Our tenor singer’s wife, Cile Bass learned a short while ago that her mother had inoperable cancer.  Although prayers were offered for her healing, God decided to heal her and her family, in His own special way.  On the day of Cile’s mother’s home-going, she was lying in bed, and to look at her, one would see a precious elderly lady with deep wrinkles and sunken in cheeks from the cancer which ravaged her body.  Cile had gone out of the room and when she returned, she looked in at her mother and called for everyone to come and look at what she saw.  At that moment, her mother had the prettiest grin on her face you could imagine.  Her cheeks had miraculously filled back out, her wrinkles had smoothed and her entire face had a wonderful glow about it.  Her family was able to witness her reaction to catching a glimpse of her Saviour for the first time, and her entrance into the presence of God, where she received her true healing for all time and eternity.  Folks, that is what awaits each one of us if we have put our faith and trust in God and that is the sole reason Legacy sings, to tell others about this wonderful gift of eternal life.

You’ll have an opportunity to share with Legacy, a special night of gospel music where we’ll lift the Lord up with some of our good friends.  On Saturday, September 7th at Johnston Community College in Smithfield, NC, the Royal Descendants will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary with guests Servant’s Heart and Legacy.  Please join us that night for a wonderful night of gospel music!!  We look forward to seeing you soon!!

In Christian Love, 

Tim Perry for Legacy

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